Xavier Bettel on a working visit to Togo

The Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Xavier Bettel, paid a working visit to the Togolese Republic on 28 March 2024

In Lomé, Minister Bettel took part in an interministerial session aimed at identifying potential avenues for development cooperation. The meeting was attended on the Togolese side by the Prime Minister, Victoire Tomegah Dogbé, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Regional Integration and Togolese Abroad, Robert Dussey, the Minister for the Digital Economy and Transformation, Cina Lawson, the Minister for the Environment and Forest Resources, Katari Foli-Bazi, the Minister for Primary, Secondary and Technical Education, Komla Dodzi Kokoroko, the Minister for Grassroots Development, Youth and Youth Employment, Myriam Dossou de Souza-D'Almeida, and the Minister for Financial Inclusion, Mazamesso Assih, the discussions focused on Togo's development plans and the expertise offered by Luxembourg's Development Cooperation.

The interministerial meeting resulted in the signing of a letter of understanding on the strengthening of development cooperation relations by ministers Bettel and Dussey, providing for closer collaboration in the sectors of education and vocational and technical training and professional integration, digitisation, as well as the environment and the response to climate change. Good governance has been identified as a cross-cutting theme. Opportunities for cooperation in other areas of common interest may also be added. Marking the desire of both sides to strengthen the cooperation partnership, the signing of the letter of understanding is the first step towards drawing up a Cooperation Agreement between Luxembourg and Togo.

"With the signing of this letter of understanding, we are paving the way today for deepening the cooperation partnership between Luxembourg and Togo," said Minister Bettel at the signing ceremony. "I am delighted with this first step towards closer cooperation, which will be based on Togo's development priorities and vision, as well as Luxembourg's cooperation priorities".

In the Togolese capital, Minister Bettel also had bilateral meetings with Prime Minister Tomegah Dogbé and Foreign Minister Robert Dussey. While the meeting with the Prime Minister provided an opportunity to deepen discussions on the sectors of cooperation envisaged, the exchanges with Minister Dussey focused in particular on the situation in Togo and political developments in West Africa.

Press release by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade