Multilateral organisations

In 2015, the Member States of the United Nations (UN) adopted the "2030 Agenda", which sets out the seventeen "Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030, in order to effectively guide the international community's development efforts. The SDGs serve as objectives for all action at the level of the multilateral system of development cooperation.

The areas of action presented in the general strategy of Luxembourg's Development Cooperation "The road to 2030" are aligned with the guidelines set by the multilateral development cooperation system.

Multilateral Development Organisations

The various actors within the multilateral system of development cooperation that work with the Luxembourg Development Cooperation can be categorised as follows:

  • The United Nations system, is composed of the UN, its programmes, funds, and specialised agencies. These entities report to the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council, and work to improve the economic and social conditions of people.
  • Public-private partnerships, particularly in the field of global health, where the mode of governance is characterised by a diversity of donors (from states, intergovernmental organisations, the UN system, NGOs, companies, etc.).
  • The European Union and its Member States, who are the largest donors of public development aid.

Allocation of Luxembourg's official development assistance to multilateral development organisations

The Luxembourg Development Cooperation allocates about a third of its annual public development aid to multilateral development organisations.

In accordance with the United Nations' 2019 funding agreement, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation commits to allocate at least one-third of its financial contributions to the core (non-earmarked) resources that feed the budgets of UN system organisations. This commitment ensures the predictability and flexibility of financial resources available to multilateral organisations, enabling them to plan development aid policies more efficiently and sustainably. The rest of the contributions are divided into thematic contributions and so-called "multi-bi" projects and programmes, mainly implemented in Luxembourg's partner countries.

Strategic Partnerships of the Luxembourg Development Cooperation

The Luxembourg Development Cooperation works with numerous multilateral development organisations. Common strategic and financial guidelines are defined with some of these through strategic partnership agreements, which are monitored at the headquarters level as well as by Luxembourg's embassies and permanent representations.

The Luxembourg Development Cooperation is involved in the governing bodies of these multilateral development organisations, including sitting on their Boards of Directors.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of multilateral development organisations with which the Luxembourg Development Cooperation has concluded strategic partnership agreements:

  • UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
    (The partnership between Luxembourg and the UNDP)
  • UNICEF: United Nations Children's Fund
    (The partnership between Luxembourg and UNICEF)
  • UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund
    (The partnership between Luxembourg and the UNFPA)
  • UNAIDS: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
    (The partnership between Luxembourg and UNAIDS)
  • UN Women: United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women
    (The partnership between Luxembourg and UN Women)
  • WHO: World Health Organisation
  • ILO: International Labour Organisation
  • IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • Global Fund: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
  • Gavi: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
  • CEPI: Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

The Luxembourg Development Cooperation occasionally supports other multilateral development organisations, without necessarily concluding a strategic partnership agreement, depending on specific needs.

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