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Humanitarian Action
Luxembourg's Humanitarian Action
International solidarity and humanitarian principles - humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence - are at the heart of Luxembourg’s Humanitarian Action commitment. They are the driving force behind the country's ambition to be an actor for positive change in the face of increasing humanitarian needs and vulnerabilities worldwide. Our goal is to further leverage Luxembourg's resources and expertise to help meet the unprecedented scale of humanitarian needs around the world.
Our flagship projects
Partnership to Fight Global Hunger with AI
Partnership to Fight Global Hunger with AI
On October 15, 2024, Luxembourg's Development Cooperation entered into a partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). This partnership aims to harness advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to accelerate progress towards a world without hunger. By combining the world-class skills and resources of CERN, LIST and WFP, they aim to improve the effectiveness of emergency response and development projects.
The support of the Luxembourg government is essential to mobilize the necessary resources and rapidly develop AI solutions that will have a positive impact on people in vulnerable situations. Due to its role as a leader in the field of AI, Luxembourg will contribute its expertise, knowledge and extensive network to support this partnership. In the long term, this partnership could lead to the future establishment of a longer-term support and operational infrastructure in Luxembourg, dedicated to the development and application of AI technologies for humanitarian operations.
EWERS - Early Warning & Effective Response System
On November 14, 2024, continuing its commitment to innovation, Luxembourg's Development Cooperation formalised a strategic partnership with UNHCR and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). The aim of this partnership is to develop EWERS (Early Warning & Effective Response System), a tool for forecasting and reacting rapidly to forced displacements, using the latest advances in artificial intelligence.
This system will enable real-time detection and analysis of relevant data to anticipate potential crises and intervene proactively. UNHCR's expertise in the protection and assistance of displaced persons will be coupled with LIST's technological competence, particularly in the development of predictive models based on machine learning.
This partnership reflects Luxembourg's commitment to using digital technologies to enhance the effectiveness of humanitarian interventions.
Luxembourg - Chair of the OCHA Donor Support Group 2023-2024
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is mandated to coordinate the overall humanitarian response, mobilise resources and manage and analyse humanitarian data. OCHA's mandate derives from General Assembly (GA) resolution 46/182 of December 1991.
The OCHA Donor Support Group (ODSG) currently consists of 30 members and is chaired by one of its members on an annual rotating basis. Currently, the group is chaired by Luxembourg for the period July 2023 to June 2024, having taken over from Saudi Arabia in July 2023. The ODSG acts as a sounding board and source of advice for OCHA, with its members committing to provide political, financial and technical support for the implementation of coordination activities mandated by OCHA.
As chair of the ODSG, Luxembourg aims to support OCHA's efforts to make the humanitarian system more people-centered and context-specific, as well as more efficient and less bureaucratic. Luxembourg’s chairpersonship will also focus on OCHA's role in the humanitarian system's response to internally displaced people, as well as on emerging risks and challenges related to the use of data in humanitarian aid.
Luxembourg's chairpersonship of the ODSG will consist of four meetings over the course of the year, including two expert-level meetings in Geneva, a high-level meeting in New York and a high-level meeting in Luxembourg in June 2024. Luxembourg will also organise an Ambassadors' lunch in Geneva and a field visit to a country where OCHA is involved in coordinating the humanitarian response.
WFP Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator
The Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator (HIA) is an international call for projects that aims to support innovative solutions to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors to address the most complex challenges in difficult contexts. The call is aimed at innovative entrepreneurs anywhere in the world who are making a positive and sustainable impact on the humanitarian aid sector, particularly in the areas of emergency management, access to services, data management and communication.
The desired solutions have the potential to be scaled up in different crisis contexts as well as in different geographical areas. The HIA is particularly interested in solutions from the sectors of artificial intelligence and data science, space and satellite technology, healthtech as well as suppy chain and logistics. Selected projects will have access to funding, mentoring and networking with the Luxembourg economic and humanitarian ecosystem.
The HIA is an initiative of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, in collaboration with the World Food Programme and the Austrian Development Agency. The aim is to make a lasting and real difference in the humanitarian sector and to meet the growing needs of 339 million people in more than 68 countries facing a humanitarian assistance situation in 2023.
ICRC Delegation for Cyberspace, based in Luxembourg
Luxembourg is one of the very first countries to explore the geopolitical dimensions of being a “cyber host state” and is a strong advocate and supporter for and of technological innovation. Moreover, Luxembourg aims to help strengthen protection and the «do no harm» principle in a digital environment. As humanitarian organisations become more active in and reliant on new technologies, they evolve from being simple bystanders to being fully-fledged stakeholders in cyberspace, vulnerable to adverse cyber operations that could affect their capacity to protect and assist people affected by armed conflict or other situations of violence. In fulfilling its humanitarian mandate, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is increasingly engaged in the provision of digital services to persons affected by armed conflict and other situations of violence globally.
On 1 June 2022, Luxembourg and the ICRC signed an agreement to establish the first ICRC Delegation for Cyberspace, based in Luxembourg. This innovative initiative aims to provide a safe environment for the ICRC to research, develop and test digital solutions. The Delegation will also serve as a protected gateway to cyberspace to prepare the ground for the support, protection and deployment of digital services to beneficiaries on a global scale. The Delegation provides a first step leading to a more global coverage of these topics within the ICRC.
IFRC-Shelter Research Unit
Established by an initiative of the Benelux Red Cross Societies in cooperation with the IFRC Shelter and Settlements Department in Geneva, the IFRC-Shelter Research Unit (SRU) is hosted by the Luxembourg Red Cross and funded by Luxembourg’s Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs. On 31 December 2020, the SRU became a department of the International Aid of the Luxembourg Red Cross asbl. Its offices are located in Luxembourg and in Dakar, Senegal.
The SRU is a purpose-built research centre working on improving shelter expertise, both through innovative use of materials and integration of traditional architectural concepts. It develops context based shelter solutions and makes the field response more efficient from both a financial and a logistical perspective. In its tailored shelter building, the SRU aims to use locally procured materials, provide better thermal comfort and more durable solutions. The SRU also works on knowledge sharing by documenting shelters and settlements and tests its solutions with a particular focus on cultural acceptance, safe construction techniques and reduced environmental impact.
The solutions developed by the SRU have been used worldwide, for example the Sahel model used in the sub-Saharan region of Africa or the winterised tents used by the Turkish Red Crescent to host Syrian refugees. Current reflections are mainly focused on Africa. One reflection is the development of a shelter model for the Sahel region which can make the link between emergency operations and a more durable use solutions (Nexus approach). Another current reflection concerns the development of a more efficient and eco-friendly tarpaulin model.
UNHCR’s Innovation Service
The Innovation Service is committed to creating an enabling environment for innovation to flourish at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. UNHCR’s protection mandate is more vital than ever – and the Innovation Service provides critical support to test, iterate, and upscale new initiatives that will enable the agency to better deliver that mandate now and into the future.
Since 2019, Luxembourg’s Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs has supported the Innovation Service. Initially focusing on its Connectivity for Refugees workstream, support has expanded over time to broader concepts of Digital Innovation furthering the digital inclusion of forcibly displaced communities so they can be part of a connected society, and have access to technology that enables them to build better futures for themselves, their families and the world.
The Digital Innovation programme includes such diverse projects as an initiative to co-create digital literacy trainings with refugees in Indonesia, a project designing and developing a community-led connectivity network for an informal settlement of displaced Indigenous families in Colombia, new ways of implementing digital financial solutions in Zambia, and an initiative developing new methods of engaging with communities through their preferred digital channels in ways that manage their data responsibly. Specifically, the WhatsApp solution developed in partnership with covers over 13 countries with over 75,000 users. To date, over 40 digital innovation projects have been supported that aim to ensure displaced communities benefit from enhanced digital, social, and economic inclusion.
In 2022, the Innovation Service launched new Innovation Funds beyond the digital focus, covering Data, Environment, and Refugee-led Innovation. Luxembourg is not only maintaining its support for the Service’s digital endeavours, but also expanding support to the newly established Innovation programmes and associated projects.
Developed after the Haiti earthquake in 2010, provides connectivity services for humanitarian actors to enable the rapid and organised aid that is so crucial for saving lives after a disaster. It is a mobile, satellite-based telecommunications platform created to re-establish communication (internet, phone) after a disaster, to support the coordination efforts of humanitarian organisations in the field and to contribute to saving lives during humanitarian emergencies. Communication services can also be provided in the context of chronic crises, especially in very remote areas.
The system is a public-private partnership between the Luxembourg Government and three Luxembourg companies (SES Networks, HITEC Luxembourg and Luxembourg Air Ambulance) and was created in close collaboration with the World Food Programme, the global lead agency of the emergency telecommunications cluster, as a free global public good to the humanitarian community. The same services are also offered to the population and the governments of the affected countries.
Current missions include deployments to Syria, Tonga, Chad, Venezuela and Ukraine.
Our news (only available in french)
- Déploiement de deux dispositifs "" à Mayotte 30.12.2024
- Le Luxembourg augmente son soutien humanitaire à l'Ukraine: Remise d'équipement de déminage et annonce d'une contribution au secteur de l'énergie par Xavier Bettel 09.12.2024
- Xavier Bettel annonce une contribution de 4 millions d'euros pour le Liban 24.10.2024
- Le Luxembourg apporte une contribution de 600 000 euros à la réponse humanitaire au Laos et au Vietnam 25.09.2024
- Journée mondiale de l'aide humanitaire 2024: le Luxembourg continue de s'engager en faveur des plus vulnérables 19.08.2024
- Xavier Bettel en déplacement à Genève 26.07.2024
- Déploiement de trois membres du ''Humanitarian Intervention Team'' du CGDIS et d'un dispositif dans les zones touchées par l'ouragan Beryl dans les Caraïbes 10.07.2024
- Xavier Bettel en visite de travail en Israël et en Palestine 29.05.2024
- Au Forum mondial sur les réfugiés à Genève, Xavier Bettel a appelé à une plus grande solidarité internationale pour les personnes déplacées 13.12.2023
- En réponse aux dégâts causés par la guerre, le Luxembourg fait un don de générateurs électriques en soutien de l'Ukraine 02.11.2023
- Le Luxembourg apporte des contributions supplémentaires d'un montant total de 2,5 millions d'euros à l'aide humanitaire d'urgence dans la bande de Gaza et la région 25.10.2023
- Suite à l'escalade du conflit dans le Haut-Karabakh, le Luxembourg évacue une première personne blessée d'Arménie vers l'Espagne 11.10.2023
- En soutien aux populations déplacées par le conflit dans la région de Nagorno-Karabakh, le Luxembourg fournit une aide d'urgence de 200.000 euros via la Comité international de la Croix-Rouge 30.09.2023
- En soutien aux populations touchées par les catastrophes naturelles au Maroc et en Libye, le Luxembourg fournit une aide d'urgence de 600.000 euros via la Fédération internationale des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge 22.09.2023
- Franz Fayot a signé un memorandum of understanding avec le directeur général du HALO Trust, James Cowan 13.09.2023
- Franz Fayot en déplacement en Ukraine 09.09.2023
- En vue de la Journée mondiale de l'aide humanitaire, Franz Fayot a fait le point sur les activités de l'Action humanitaire luxembourgeoise en 2023 18.08.2023
- L'insécurité alimentaire au centre des discussions: Franz Fayot a rencontré les dirigeants des trois agences onusiennes basées à Rome pour des échanges bilatéraux 26.07.2023
- Visite de travail au Luxembourg de Philippe Lazzarini, commissaire général de l'UNRWA 16.06.2023
- Visite de travail à Luxembourg de Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, présidente du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge 26.04.2023
- L'assistance luxembourgeoise dans la zone sinistrée en Turquie se relaye: deuxième relève pour les membres du groupe d'intervention spécialisé "Humanitarian Intervention Team" du Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours 06.03.2023
- Le soutien humanitaire du Luxembourg à la Turquie: Envoi d'un deuxième lot de matériel d'urgence dans la zone sinistrée 01.03.2023
- Le Luxembourg renforce son soutien humanitaire à la Turquie: Déploiement de matériel d'urgence dans la zone sinistrée 22.02.2023
- La réponse humanitaire du Luxembourg suite aux séismes en Turquie et en Syrie 09.02.2023
- Déploiement d'un membre du "Humanitarian Intervention Team" du CGDIS dans la zone sinistrée en Turquie 07.02.2023
- Lancement de l'appel à projets du "Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator" 01.02.2023
- Déploiement de deux membres du "Humanitarian Intervention Team" du CGDIS à Kinshasa en République démocratique du Congo 22.12.2022
- Le CICR ouvre un bureau dédié au cyberespace au Luxembourg 17.11.2022
- Franz Fayot réaffirme le soutien du Luxembourg à la reconstruction de l'Ukraine à l'Ukraine Recovery Conference à Lugano 05.07.2022
- Remise de médaille du mécanisme européen de protection civile à trois membres du "Humanitarian Intervention Team" du CGDIS pour leur aide lors du tremblement de terre à Haïti en 2021 et dans le cadre du déploiement de la plateforme 30.06.2022
- Visite de travail de Peter Maurer, président du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) et signature d'un accord sur l'établissement d'une première "Delegation for Cyberspace" du CICR au Luxembourg 01.06.2022
- Célébration du dixième anniversaire d' au pavillon du Luxembourg à l'Expo 2020 Dubaï en présence de S.A.R. le Grand-Duc 22.03.2022
- Un expert du CGDIS de retour de sa mission à Madagascar 11.03.2022