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  • 35 result(s)
  1. In view of the extent of the humanitarian needs following the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria on 6 February, Luxembourg's cooperation will, in a first phase, contribute almost one million euros through various partners active in the two affected countries by supporting their humanitarian operations.

  2. Starting today and running until 1 March 2023, the call for applications for the Humanitarian Innovation Accelerator (HIA) will be open to national and international proposals to promote innovative solutions in support of the global humanitarian sector.

  3. H.R.H. the Grand Duke and the Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Franz Fayot, paid a working visit to Laos from 5 to 8 December 2022. The agenda for the last two days included a visit to the projects of the Luxembourg Cooperation in the localities of Phonhong and Vang Vieng, as well as a cultural visit to the city of Luang Prabang.

  4. The Sustainable Development Goals will never be achieved without closing the gender equality gap. Progress towards this was painfully slow before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of even that progress has since been reversed. War and climate change are making matters worse.

  5. On 7 June 2022, the Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel and the Minister of the Economy, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Franz Fayot pursued their trip to Africa - on this day in Kigali, Rwanda, at the invitation of the President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul Kagamé.

  6. After the three first editions took place in Luxembourg, this year's special edition of the "CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa" programme was held in Dubai from 21 until 23 March in the context of the World Expo 2020. eMaisha Pay from Uganda bested eight other fintech finalists from Africa and won this year's edition of the CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa 2022 boot camp.

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